November 2009Feel free to contribute your ideas. There is always room for something new and exciting. Upload original material you design for your classes and provide your students the opportunity to publish their projects. Remember that this is a group effort. Sharing is caring!
B Class 23/10/09 09:00 - Karaiskou - a thorough discussion on the writing part of the booklet took place. We need to give our sts incentive and the chance to expand on topics. Powerpoint presentations provide additional information and can be used to enhance their end product in speaking and writing. Manipulate material according to Sts needs and abilities. Try to capture imagination and provide ample opportunities to use target language. (check files in laptops or follow the links below. Ts have been invited to shared material in dropbox- invitations have been sent to their email addresses)
Module 1 -
Rare animalsModule 2 -
22/10/09A and B Class meetingsA Class 22/10/09 10:00 - Karaiskou - the complete agenda has been emailed - New material to be prepared.
Thanks to all colleagues who participated. Keep it up!!
Past Events
A' Class general assembly - Oct 10th, 5.15 p.m. - Laodikias 124, Nikea11/9
A Class teachers have already been e-mailed with the 2009-10 Yearly Syllabus and the monthly all-inclusive syllabus. Also they have been linked (successfully) with the
writing material included in this year's booklet - and have been invited to be actively involved in this blog.
B' Class teachers have been emailed with course organisation documents and linked to the
writing material included in this year's booklet. Their contribution to this blog is more than welcome.
Ac. Calendar 2009 - 2010Get a taste of the dates and days