Vocabulary practice Module 6 (Food)
Maori cooking (Passive) powerpoint presentation
Module 3 - Myths and Legends

The Kraken
Video (from the Pirates of the Caribbean
The Kraken attack (2:25)
A' Class material
Aliens are coming to Earth powerpoint presentation (mod 6)

Writing a brochure - project work
A Class Module 7 vocabulary crossword
A' Class Module 8

The Hindenburg .pdf
Video (1:13) The Hindenburg burning
...It's practically standing still now. They've dropped ropes out of the nose of the ship,
and it's been taken a hold of down on the field by a number of men. It's starting to rain again; the rain had slacked up a little bit. The back motors of the ship are just holding it, just enough to keep it from --"
"It burst into flames! ... It's fire and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh, my! Get out of the way, please! It's burning, bursting into flames and is falling on the mooring mast, and all the folks agree that this is terrible. This is the worst of the worst catastrophes in the world! ...There's smoke, and there's flames, now, and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast...Oh, the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!
Video (5:26) The Hindenburg explodes