
Inspiration comes from everywhere

A follow-up to the 2006 talk on creativity and talent (Schools kill creativity Feb 2006)

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

straight from the horse's mouth

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity Feb 2006

What we do know is, if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original. If you're not prepared to be wrong. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this, by the way. We stigmatize mistakes. And we're now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Sir Ken Robinson, TED 2006

Moshe Safdie TED 2002 on Truth and Beauty

He who seeks truth shall find beauty. He who seeks beauty shall find vanity. He who seeks order shall find gratification. He who seeks gratification shall be disappointed. He who considers himself the servant of his fellow beings shall find the joy of self expression. He who seeks self expression shall fall into the pit of arrogance. Arrogance is incompatible with nature. Through nature, the nature of the universe, and the nature of man, we shall seek truth. If we seek truth, we shall find beauty. Moshe Safdie, TED 2002


June meeting

A' Class teachers are kindly requested to be at the Karaiskou building on June the 3rd.
A thorough discussion on the new coursebook material will take place.


March 2010 Meetings

A Class meeting : 16/04/2010 10 a.m ---> Anna - Karaiskou

B Class meeting : 23/04/2010 9.30 a.m ---> Anna - Karaiskou

- Oxford
  • material to be prepared until the end of the school year


On Line Teaching Material

The birth and death of stars (ppt)

Course Organisation

November 2009
Feel free to contribute your ideas. There is always room for something new and exciting. Upload original material you design for your classes and provide your students the opportunity to publish their projects. Remember that this is a group effort. Sharing is caring!
B Class 23/10/09 09:00 - Karaiskou
- a thorough discussion on the writing part of the booklet took place. We need to give our sts incentive and the chance to expand on topics. Powerpoint presentations provide additional information and can be used to enhance their end product in speaking and writing. Manipulate material according to Sts needs and abilities. Try to capture imagination and provide ample opportunities to use target language. (check files in laptops or follow the links below. Ts have been invited to shared material in dropbox- invitations have been sent to their email addresses)

Module 1
- Rare animals
Module 2 - Homes


A and B Class meetings
A Class 22/10/09 10:00 - Karaiskou - the complete agenda has been emailed - New material to be prepared.
Thanks to all colleagues who participated. Keep it up!!

Past Events
A' Class general assembly - Oct 10th, 5.15 p.m. - Laodikias 124, Nikea

11/9 A Class teachers have already been e-mailed with the 2009-10 Yearly Syllabus and the monthly all-inclusive syllabus. Also they have been linked (successfully) with the writing material included in this year's booklet - and have been invited to be actively involved in this blog.

18/09 B' Class teachers have been emailed with course organisation documents and linked to the writing material included in this year's booklet. Their contribution to this blog is more than welcome.

Ac. Calendar 2009 - 2010
Get a taste of the dates and days


Wild West

This is the Eagle on his Fist.

The Eagle on his Fist with his sister The Beauty on her Face.

I hereby attach two pictures depicting the Indian chief of the Cherokee tribe ''The eagle on his fist''. In the second picture he is with his sister ''The beauty on her face'' when they were children. ''The beauty on her face'' and their parents were killed by the Europeans and ''The Eagle on his Fist'' became the chief.

Of course, the names and the whole script are imaginery, but the idea was the simultaneous introduction of vocabulary presented in module 7 and that of Simple Past.

In class, I used the pictures presenting some new vocabulary items like ''tepee'', ''chief'' etc and, at the same time, I introduced the concept of Present and Past by contradicting the two pictures and eliciting from the students phrases like ''The chief has a horse'', ''(In the past)he didn't have a horse''.

So, that's the whole concept which I wanted to share with the rest of the team. If you like it feel free to use it!Bye!

Wild West